Saturday, 10 January 2009


Genre: Action / War / History

Defiance is a brilliant film about a true story which happened during the World War II when Jews were being hunted, tortured and killed mercilessly by Germans. The film follows the Bielski brothers ( Daniel Craig and his brothers) who are Jewish and must escape Nazi-occupied Poland during WWII. They are forced to leave and end up in a remote forest where the brothers join the Russian resistance fighters to help fight the Nazis. Defiance is a story of a family, revenge, salvation and survival of a community.

This is a action packed film and looks like one than a war film though it portrays the history nicely. The way the jews survived and in the woods for years away from Nazis by forming a community there with ammunition, shelter and food is moving. You will never get bored at any part of the film. I felt that movie got over so soon but the fact was it was a 2 plus hours movie. This one is a must watch. Defiance is in the league of the best and my favourite war movies like Behind the enemy lines, Enemy at the gates and U-571.

My rating: 9/10. (6 or less- Avoid, 6 and above- OK types, 8 and above- worth watching once, 9 and above- very good and must watch)

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