Sunday, 8 February 2009

The Ruins

Genre: Thriller/Horror/Mystery
Film certification: 18

Gist of the movie: The Ruins is a movie about a group of tourists who travel to a remote part of Cancun. These six friends go to an archaeological dig off the beaten path. They end up finding a path that leads then to some ruins of an ancient Mayan temple and there they find something evil.

I watched this movie as the trailer looked spooky and like a good thriller movie but never did I have a clue that this movie will turn out be a horror and gory type movie. Unless you are a big fan of horror movies, don't bother watching this movie. Gory movies are definitely not my types atleast :)

My rating: 5/10. (6 or less- Avoid, 6 and above- OK types, 8 and above- worth watching once, 9 and above- very good and must watch)

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