Friday, 14 August 2009

Groovy beats - My first music composition

'Groovy beats' music in the below video, is my first ever music composition. Music is done using Garage band. I will soon be coming up with more.


S2 said...

Hello dude .. u have done a fantastic job here .. very refreshing composition... i like the groovy beats more ..whats the thud thud sound in the background - drums or base guitar? it was sounding very very good .. and the mix with the string instruments- i could sense two - guitar and sitar - right? they too were really gud.. I am not very good at music.. except that i learned guitar for 3 months. Whats the garage band? Why dont u put up a post on it - how to compose using garage band?

Srinivas said...

Thanks so much mate..I have just used drums for the beats in this music bit..i didn't base guitar for this. I have used acoustic guitar and Sarod for the string bits. Sarod is the one which comes in the middle and end of the composition.. Garage band is a Mac software for music composition.. Incomplete version of garage band comes by default with Garage band.. I use garage band, mixcraft and few other external music loops (non-copyrighted) as well.