Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Poem 9: Happy New Year

Poem 9: Happy New Year. This poem is from me to you all.

Happy New Year

Dreams fulfilled or the dreams shattered !
Absolute bliss or the painful depressions !
Relationships started or the relationships broken !
Harmony or the constant bickering !
Tranquillity or the labyrinth of emotions !

Time goes by! Present becomes the past
Future becomes the present
Let the bygones be bygones
No magic is going to change the past
Life never gives a rewind
It is time to move on

Loads of fun and frolic
Bundles of joy and warmth
Smiles all around
Let warmth and happiness surround
For all your wishes to come true
I wish you a happy new year.


Sail: said...

Wish you the same buddy.. :)

Unknown said...

Happy new year to you too

Srinivas said...

Thanks Sailaja. Wish u the same

Srinivas said...

Thanks Nitin for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. Wish u the same.