Saturday, 27 December 2008

Poem 8: Its you

New poem from me called as "Its you". It is a sweet poem with a lovely twist in the end.

Its you

Out in the sunshine, so bright
Lake view, a lovely sight
Indeed it is lovely weather
I always cherish our times together

Our dances together in sync
Like I care what people think!
Breezy afternoon, our bike rides!
Together in beach sands, watching tides!

You add life to my soul
Together! how about a stroll?
I am nothing without you
We are one and not two
Isn't it true?

One wish, I wish could come true!
Together in the dark besides each other
and count stars one after another
I know it will never come true
As I am your shadow and I am you!

Just in case if you thought the poem is about a gal, please re-read the poem again after reading the last line of the poem :-).


Anonymous said...

i loved this poem ...i knew it was shadow in the beginning itself

Srinivas said...

Thanks. Than the twist, the poem carries lot of in depth meanings. Glad that you could work out the twist before the end.