Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Poem 7: Reflection

This is the recent poem from me called as 'Reflection'. It is about how and what the world reflects to one's thoughts.


Smile and the world smiles with you
So they say which is true
Cry and you cry alone
Is that also known?

World is like a mirror
Reflects what is in you clearer
You only see what you want
So don't let the consequences taunt

What you see is not what you see
Unless your mind is set free
It is not in it
Its in you


Anonymous said...

its a very nice one.... its so true ...

Srinivas said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving ur comment.

Unknown said...

wow. its not the length but the meaning that adds beauty to a poem. those are smart words woven very well to perk anyone who need a dose of optimism :) good one Srinivas.