Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Transformers- Revenge of the fallen

Genre: Action/Sci Fi
Film certification: 15

Transformers -Revenge of the fallen is the sequel to 'Transformers' . Transformers 2 is fast paced high octane action movie with wonderful special effects and graphics (don't know whether it is CGI or whatever). The promos was astounding but is the movie amazing too? Well, not really.

Movie is good technically for its amazing special effects and complex graphics brilliantly done with shown so much of detail but somewhere I felt Transformer-part 1 was much better. Transformers-2 is more of machines whereas Transformers 1 has lot of human factor along with machines. Overall the movie is worth watching once for sure.

My rating: 8.25/10 (6 or less- Avoid, 6 and above- OK types, 8 and above- worth watching once, 9 and above- very good and must watch)

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