Monday, 22 June 2009


Genre: Animation/Comedy
Film certification: U

Amazing. Truly Beautiful. Once again Pixar studios has proved that they are the best in the animation movies with 'Up'. In this "coming of old age" story, a seventy-something hero, alongside his clueless wilderness ranger sidekick, travels the globe, fighting beasts and villains to fulfill the promise he once did to his wife.

Excellent job by the animation team in showing the emotions in the characters so well. Good voices to the characters. Big credit should go to the music maestro 'Micheal Giachinno' for his beautiful music in the movie. The theme music in different instruments in background in most of the movie is beautifully composed. 'Stuff we did' is one of the soundtrack which is a must listen and I have fallen in love with this track. Youtube is filled with own music covers of the video by various enthusiasts. The music will make you sadder or happier in some of the scenes for sure coz its wonderfully composed. The south american falls and jungle areas shown in the movie exists for real. Pixar guys visited this place in Venezula in South america and did sketches and animation based on the real movie. I did watch the clips of the actual place on youtube and the place is breath taking and the whole place seems like a different planet on Earth.

Don't miss this movie.

My rating: 8.75/10 (6 or less- Avoid, 6 and above- OK types, 8 and above- worth watching once, 9 and above- very good and must watch)

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